Hermano George Ochoa

Iota Line #2
Spring 2008
'La Sinfonía'
Line Name: Honradez
Spring 2008
'La Sinfonía'
Line Name: Honradez
Graduating Class: 2010
Major/Minor: Government Brief Biography: My family is originally from Colombia. I was born about 45 minutes south of Chicago in Joliet, IL. I grew up exploring the city and loving the Chi, quickly became a Bulls and White Sox fan. Throughout my youth I was involved heavily with music and theater. I continued involvement in the arts while at Dartmouth and spent a great deal of time in the HOP. After graduation I spent some time in Honduras and returned to Minneapolis, where I currently reside. I always enjoying meeting new people and getting to know new places. Achievements: I was the recipient of the Cultural Expressions award from the Latino community for my commitment to strengthening community on campus. Additionally, I was selected by my peers to Casque and Gauntlet Senior Society for demonstrated commitment to the college. I consider, however, graduating from Dartmouth to be my greatest achievement. What are you doing now? I worked in the financial services industry for a bit and now will be working with Kaplan. Also, I'm attempting to travel to different states whenever I have a chance. Why did you pledge? I never thought I would join a fraternity and believed them all to be the same. It wasn't until I spoke in depth with the Hermanos, along with the alumni of the chapter, that I began to see LUL as a stand out brotherhood. I pledged because I saw the brotherhood was strong and I would be surrounded by other driven individuals who also wanted to change their communities for the better. Favorite moment as a Hermano: Just relaxing and enjoying life with other Hermanos. I often struggled with being happy or relaxed while at Dartmouth, and it was often bros who helped me get through. Advice to interested men: If you seek a brotherhood that will support you and help you develop as a person, than LUL is for you. Also, feel free to reach out to any of the Hermanos. It can be very helpful to hear how others overcame obstacles while at Dartmouth. |
Favorite Quotes
“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”- Gandhi "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." -Robert Frost |