Hermano Jeffrey Coleman
Theta Line
Spring 2006
La Antorcha Incesante
Line Name: Profeta
Spring 2006
La Antorcha Incesante
Line Name: Profeta
Graduating Class: 2008
Major/Minor: Spanish Language, Culture & Society Major Chinese Language Minor Brief Biography: Born in Accra, Ghana, moved to the USA at age 3. Grew up in East Hartford, CT. Achievements:
What are you doing now? Ph.D. Candidate in Romance Languages at the University of Chicago Why did you pledge? "I pledged because I felt that La Unidad Latina had the strongest brotherhood out of all the organizations that I researched. I was looking for a place where I could bond with like-minded men who wanted to excel academically and professionally." Favorite moment as a Hermano: "My favorite moment as a Hermano thus far has to be the day that Iota Line crossed. Being their dean was an amazing experience and I love those boys like my sons. A close second would be the night that I won the Undergraduate Hermano of the Year award." Advice to interested men: "My advice is to do your research and make sure that La Unidad Latina is the organization for you. If it is, put 150% into it." |
[email protected] 860 869 4557 (mobile) Favorite Quotes "Hay tres cosas que no vuelven atrás: la palabra pronunciada, la flecha lanzada y la oportunidad perdida." "Hay hombres que luchan un día y son buenos, Hay hombres que luchan un año y son mejores, Hay hombres que luchan muchos años y ellos si son muy buenos, pero están aquellos que luchan toda una vida, y ellos son LOS IMPRESCINDIBLES" Links http://prophetsmantra.blogspot.com/ http://www.welltempered.net/adinkra/ http://www.nytimes.com References: Del vidrio roto al mosaico cultural: Fragmentación y transculturación en la experiencia inmigratoria de los latinos en Nueva York y Madrid |