Hermano Jose Antonio Ojeda

Eta Line #1
Spring 2004
'El Apostolado'
Line Name: Desafío
Spring 2004
'El Apostolado'
Line Name: Desafío
Graduating Class: 2007
Major/Minor: Studio Art Major Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor Brief Biography: Grew up in the Bronx, NY and is of Ecuadorian decent. Went to the Bronx High School of Science. Has a broad an eclectic range of interests, but he always has had a desire to create, which led him on the path of becoming an artist. Jose enjoyed his time as a Studio Art Major at Dartmouth College, particularly interested in sculpture and architecture. Achievements: Winner of the 2011 Dorothy L. Pieper Memorial Purchase Prize. Class of 1960 Purchase Award (2007) What are you doing now? Currently is in his final year of earning his Masters of Fine Arts at Stony Brook University, in New York. Why did you pledge? I first became aware of the Fraternity while searching the many resources that the college has to offer. 'La Unidad Latina' just sounded like something I should further explore, especially in a place where I was new and unfamiliar. After attending a few information sessions and really getting to know the Hermanos, It was the obvious choice when given the opportunity. Thankfully, the brotherhood has proved to be more than I could have ever envisioned. I was enticed by the idea of networking and helping the Latino community; and as my time with the Hermandad continued, a deep sense of family also emerged. Favorite moment as a Hermano: The best is yet to come! haha It's hard to define one moment as a favorite. There are several moments that make me very nostalgic. Performance or event days were some of the most memorable - because you always grew closer through the planning, executing, and then enjoying the fruits of our labor together. Seeing a packed house at a Noche is always a good feeling inside :) Advice to interested men: Aside from "do your research", etc etc., follow your heart and your instincts. The Hermandad is one of the greatest blessings to come across my life. I have benefited greatly from it, and it continues to help me help others. A life long commitment might seem like an intimidating prospect... but if the ideals of the fraternity are what you would want to live by regardless, then all you can do is gain :) |