Hermano Caesar Bodden

Mu Line #1
Spring 2011
'Los Guerreros de la Esperanza'
Line Name: Tesonero
Spring 2011
'Los Guerreros de la Esperanza'
Line Name: Tesonero
Graduating Class: 2013
Major/Minor: Government (International Relations) and Spanish (Hispanic Studies) double major Brief Biography: I am a Dominican-American from the South Bronx and I went to an all-boys Catholic high school by the name of Cardinal Hayes. I have twin little eleven year old brothers from my Dad's side whom I hope will one day look up to the sky and become Lambdas. I love my family, sports, music, and dancing (especially Bachata, Merengue, and Salsa). I plan to pursue a career in the business world (particularly in the CPG and Financial sectors) and eventually go to business school. Achievements: Valedictorian of my high school graduating class What are you doing now? -Vice President of Psi Chapter -Brotherhood Chair of Psi Chapter -Mentor for Student Enrichment @ Dartmouth -Management Leadership for Tomorrow - Career Prep Fellow Why did you pledge? To be continued... Favorite moment as a Hermano: Crossing was surreal, but I don't know yet if there is one specific moment that can be considered my favorite because I've had so many great and varied experiences within La Fraternidad. Brotherhood Retreat, Stroll Show, Step Show, and Noche Dorada have all been memorable moments, but the moments I really cherish the most are the candid and insightful conversations that I have with my brothers. Advice to interested men: Do your research and if you believe that La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Incorporated is the right fit for you, make an effort to reach out to the Hermanos, we're all pretty friendly. After all, as Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” |
Contact info:
[email protected] Favorite Quotes Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. - Judy Garland The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Lao-Tse Hay hombres que luchan un dia y son buenos. Hay otros que luchan un año y son mejores. Hay quienes luchan muchos años y son muy buenos. Pero hay los que luchan toda la vida: esos son los imprescindibles. - Bertolt Brecht We define ourselves as a nation of immigrants — a nation that welcomes those willing to embrace America's ideals. - Barack Obama Links https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1658780503 References: |