Hermano Geovanni Cuevas

Nu Line # 1
Spring 2012
'La Alborada'
Line Name: Centinela
Spring 2012
'La Alborada'
Line Name: Centinela
Graduating Class: 2014
Major/Minor: History Modified with Cultural Anthropology Brief Biography: I was raised in Los Angeles. My life story is part Tupac part Jane Eyre, if you can imagine it. Everything, to me, is a construction. Therefore, there are very few things beyond my scope of achievement and desire. I zero-in on what I want and I generally obtain it for the betterment of myself, my community, my family and my people. Que viva la raza Latina! Achievements: I survived teenage pregnancy! What are you doing now? Probably something boring like research. I have decided to pursue a doctorate, and as any academic reading this will know, it's a thug's life. Why did you pledge? It was called "Leadership Development Process." My response: http://tinyurl.com/barney1997 Favorite moment as a Hermano: After crossing, I had very little interactions with Hermanos. I immediately set off for Paris to study abroad, knowing I would return to a smaller chapter because one of my Deans would go on to graduate and one of my line brothers returned home for the summer. My favorite moment as an Hermano was visiting New York City, also known as Lambda Central, toward the end of my 'neo summer' and being embraced with open arms by my older Chapter brothers and Hermano Glenn Garcia from Nu. My older brothers give me examples to follow. If I can grow to obtain half their wisdom and virtue, I will have done my job as an Hermano. LUPS Advice to interested men: It's a lot more work than you think. However, our love, support and affection is worth it. (mwahahaha) |
Contact Info:
310-703-9441 [email protected] Favorite Quotes The amount of contamination of European blood on our people is but a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of millions of natives that inhabited this hemisphere. The majority of us are predominantly Native, and it is that blood that ties us to, and cries out for, our land! Links http://www.facebook.com/jhoncaves Reference http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/659444 |